
The following list shows all projects of the RMA with its title, and the project goal. Alternatively you can view here a table view.


Creation of an eco-profile for a product of "Steinwerke Kandussi"

Project goal

The goal is to create an eco-profile for a product of  "Steinwerke Kandussi".

NaBau Fibel – Manual on “Sustainable Construction“

NaBau Fibel.JPG

Project goal

The goal refers to the compilation of the information currently available on the future-oriented issue of sustainable construction. The Manual includes also the crucial criteria to serve as inspiration and incentive as well as to be followed by all actors in the field of civil engineering and commissioners.

NABKA II – KHL Training

Project goal

The goal is to develop a training concept for the Lainz Hospital, based on the already available documents, together with the waste managers of the hospital, to reduce the medical waste.

Parallel to the creation of a training concept, the use of reusable systems will be evaluated.

AKTAB – Update of the waste database of the Hietzing Hospital and the Gottfried von Preyer’s Children’s Hospital for 2003

Project goal

The project goal is to complement the waste database for the Hietzing Hospital and the Gottfried von Preyer’s Children’s Hospital with the relevant data for 2003, to update the database on behalf of the two hospitals.


NABKA II – KHL container – Scientific supervision of the Lainz Hospital in terms of optimising the waste collection structure at the wards

Project goal 

Goal of the project is to check the existing waste collection structure for separately collected hospital waste at the Lainz Hospital, identification of weak points and eventually, optimisation of the waste collection system.

hera_id_Nachhaltigkeitsprofil – Product and System Development for Thermal Rehabilitation of Old Buildings

Projekt - HeraID

Project goal

The goal of the project is to develop a sustainability profile of the Heraklith BM - Panel by means of an indicator and criteria list. The latter are applied to assess the insulation panel. A technical and scientific goal is also the definition of the indicator „Regional efficiency“, which has not been considered hitherto in standard eco-balances and which shall depict the environmental impacts and the product relevance in the regional context as background.


AWK FH – Waste management concept for the ÖAV-Mountain hut Fragant

Project goal

The goal of this project is to create a waste management concept for the mountain-hut Fragant of the Austrian Alpine Association.


Project goal

The goal is the scientific support of the hospital of Lainz in the implementation of environmental projects "waste audit" and "container here - container there".  

nako VGK – Administration building Carinthia - Sustainability coordination

Project goal

The goal is to initiate the consideration of aspects of sustainability  in the planning and construction process. These are for example the high social and ecological quality by low operating- and disposal costs, well-being in the workplace, increased resale value of the building, lower renovation costs and elevated environmental protection, especially the use of renewable resources, the regional efficiency and energy optimization. A checklist was created, which shows the possibility how to integrate these aspects of sustainability in the construction process without treating the implementation of these points. As a further basis for decisions for the planning team substantial constructions were evaluated and suggestions of research- and development work of the relevant scientific literatur derived, which lead to a sustainable improvement of the tested components.

KomKon – The Four Dimensions of Healthy Nutrition (Health, Economy, Ecology, Social Effects)

Project goal

Goal of the project is to highlight the subject Nutrition by its four crucial dimensions Health, Social Effects, Ecology and Economy as well as at outlining the interrelations that exist among them. The final report addresses, in a first place, the experts, but can be also enjoyed by a wider circle of interested audience. The overall project goal is the elaboration of a Communication Concept on Nutrition, which, supported by targeted PR work, will enable a contribution to the healthcare prevention for both patients and employees.