
The following list shows all projects of the RMA with its title, and the project goal. Alternatively you can view here a table view.


VEMED - INFO – Information of the hospital-employees of the Viennese Hospital Association on the options for an effective phasing-out of PVC-free medical articles

Project goal 

The project aims at identifying PVC-free alternatives for the most relevant PVC-containing articles applied in the Viennese hospitals and geriatric centres, and creating  the basics towards an efficient PVC phasing-out. With the data available as a solid background, the hospitals-members of the Viennese Hospital Association are sensitised, informed and given due support by means of well-founded PR and training campaigns. Tailored training materials, e.g. folders, leaflets and posters as well as information events, serve the targeted information and training at the hospital wards, completed by PVC-free alternatives identified.

BIOFAIR II – Current State and Potentials‘ Analysis of Canteens in the City of Vienna towards Increasing the Portion of Organic Food

Project goal

The project goal is to depict the Current State in six selected canteens in the City of Vienna, accompanied by a potential analysis, so to support these canteens at their increased employing fresh organic products.

VEMED - IDEE – Identification of PVC-free articles and promotion of production and employment of PVC-free medical articles

Project goal 

The goal is to  to create the basics for an efficient phasing-out of PVC-containing medical articles, considering the current state (2004) registered in an individual campaign. Together with the Viennese Hospital Association, PVC-free alternatives are identified and introduced at selected wards. The latter practice-related test serves an enhanced use of PVC-free medical articles in future.

AMOR – Analysis of the Optimisation Options for Use and Recycling of Products towards Reduction of Waste Quantities


Project goal

The project aims to develop new methods and test, in order to save resources through targeted purchasing as well as waste-related measures in both qualitative and quantitative terms, and thereby to contribute to waste avoidance in the hospital Hietzing.

TransFED - Analysis of Action Needs and Design for the Structure of a Transfer Centre „Kärnten der Zukunft„

Project goal

Goal of the project is to analyse the action need, and to prepare a concept for the establishment and the structure of a “Carinthia Transfer Centre for Sustainability”. The target group of this centre are the enterprises (the majority of them being SMEs), who are members of the networks of the Development Agency Carinthia, namely the networks “Wood”, “Plastics”, “Energy and Environment” as well as the “Carinthia Worth to Live in” (“Lebensland Kärnten”) network being currently established.


VEMED - SURV – Employment of PVC-free articles

Project goal

The project aims at identifying PVC-free alternatives for the most relevant PVC-containing articles applied in the Viennese hospitals and geriatric centres,  and at creating the basics towards an efficient PVC phasing-out.


Gender Bau – Gender-oriented Construction Considering the Sustainability Criteria

Project goal

The project aims at serving the interface for aspects of Gender Mainstream to meet those of sustainable architecture, social demands, ecological framework and economic expectations. The gaps are assessed that are manifested by the different views determined by gender prerequisites. A sensitisation of all actors involved is induced, so to successfully direct towards gender-oriented architecture and expression form.

BIOTRANS – Support for Canteens in the City of Vienna towards an increased employment of organic food

Project goal

The goal of the BIOTRANS project is to support canteens in the City of Vienna at replacing convenience products by on-spot prepared meals of organic fresh products. This way, the share of organic products employed in canteens should increase.


Project goal

The goal is the scientific support of the hospital of Lainz in the implementation of environmental projects "waste audit" and "container here - container there".  

nako VGK – Administration building Carinthia - Sustainability coordination

Project goal

The goal is to initiate the consideration of aspects of sustainability  in the planning and construction process. These are for example the high social and ecological quality by low operating- and disposal costs, well-being in the workplace, increased resale value of the building, lower renovation costs and elevated environmental protection, especially the use of renewable resources, the regional efficiency and energy optimization. A checklist was created, which shows the possibility how to integrate these aspects of sustainability in the construction process without treating the implementation of these points. As a further basis for decisions for the planning team substantial constructions were evaluated and suggestions of research- and development work of the relevant scientific literatur derived, which lead to a sustainable improvement of the tested components.