hera_id_Nachhaltigkeitsprofil – Product and System Development for Thermal Rehabilitation of Old Buildings

Projekt - HeraID
hera_id_Nachhaltigkeitsprofil – Product and System Development for Thermal Rehabilitation of Old Buildings by Applying Magnesite-bound Wooden Wool Light Panel
2004 - 2005
Ressourcen Management Agentur (RMA)
Unterstützt durch: 
Österreichische Heraklith AG (A project in cooperation with the Technikum Kärnten Forschungs GmbH within the 4. Call of the impulse programme Sustainable Economy „House of the future“)

Project goal

The goal of the project is to develop a sustainability profile of the Heraklith BM - Panel by means of an indicator and criteria list. The latter are applied to assess the insulation panel. A technical and scientific goal is also the definition of the indicator „Regional efficiency“, which has not been considered hitherto in standard eco-balances and which shall depict the environmental impacts and the product relevance in the regional context as background.