
The following list shows all projects of the RMA with its title, and the project goal. Alternatively you can view here a table view.


klima:aktiv bauen 2010

klima aktiv bauen.jpg

Project goal

The goal is to provide information and consulting services for the province of Carinthia in the field of comprehensive thermal-energy-renovation of large residential buildings.

Consulting Austrian Eco Label for "Gasthof-Hotel Moser"

Project goal

The goal is the accompanying consulting of coperations in the tourism sector in order to obtain the Austrian eco-label.

INUBA - Information and sensitization of some communities in Lower Austria about sustainable use of construction waste in the rural area

The goal of the project is to inform communties of Lower Austria about their responsibility in the dealing with construction waste. Furthermore they should be made aware of the potentialities of the sustainable use of construction waste.

NANUBA - Creation of information-materials for the promotion of sustainable use of construction waste in Lower Austria

The goal of the project is the creation of information-materials for Lower Austria with the topic sustainable use of construction waste. The constuction waste guideline of Styria served as template.