Resource Management Agency (RMA)
Location Vienna:
Resource Management Agency (RMA)
Kölblgasse 17/30
1030 Wien
T: +43 1 913 22 52
F: +43 1 913 22 52-22
E: office
Location Villach:
Resource Management Agency (RMA)
Europastraße 8
9524 Villach
T: +43 4242 890 27
F: +43 4242 890 27-22
E: office
The Resource Management Agency (RMA) - in detail
The work of the RMA focuses on research and teaching activities in the areas of sustainable use of resources, regional waste, energy and resource management as well as environmental protection. All results of RMA research and other documents are publicly accessible (RMA library, RMA home-page).
Since 2.2.2006 RMA has the status of a tax privileged organisation in view of charitable donations by the fiscal authorities. According to this, donations to the RMA are in principal to be claimed as operating expenditure according to §4 Abs. 4 Z5 lit. E EStG 1988 resp. as special expenses according to §18 Abs 1 Z7 EStG 1988.
Our donations account: account nr. 212.803 at the Raiffeisenbank Klosterneuburg, BLZ 32.367.
The activity of the RMA is based on two pillars
science meets practice
The RMA is an association whose work is concentrated on the further development of scientific methods contributing to resource management. Findings are transferred to and applied in practice in co-operation with industrial partners and public administrations.
identification - evaluation – control
The RMA aims at the investigation of the anthropogenic material and energy metabolism and the development of ways of sustainable ressource management. Resource management comprises three methodological phases: identification, evaluation and control of materials, areas and energy used.
The goals of the RMA
gathering data and information
The RMA collects data and information in order to gain a better understanding of the interaction between processes in the technosphere and the environment.
resource management
Sustainable resource management aims at optimising the anthropogenic utilisation of raw materials and energy. The RMA develops and applies comprehensive resource management methods allowing to derive preventive environmental measures within the investigated system.
gathering knowledge
Building a resource management network (RM-net) is one major objective of the RMA. Participants in this network support the design of an environmentally compatible and sustainable management of raw material and energy consumption. The goal is to include stakeholders, such as public administrations, business companies, NGO’s, universities and individuals into a common discussion platform.
obtaining and applying know-how
The RMA has the following focal points of research:
- resource management, regional metabolism
- waste and wastewater management
- sustainability
- regional and product-related material-, substance- and energybalance
- Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
- sustainable construction
- nutrition ecology
know-how preparation and distribution
The know-how obtained by the RMA through its various activities is processed and offered to a broad audience. This knowledge transfer is implemented via internet, information material, workshops, continuing education courses and a library.
The organisational structure of the RMA
The Resource Management Agency – RMA has been established1998 as an extra-faculty research competence centre (ZVR Zahl 482686233). The activity of the association is non-political and not profit-oriented. Since 2001 the RMA has two locations, one in Vienna and a second in Villach.