
The following list shows all projects of the RMA with its title, and the project goal. Alternatively you can view here a table view.


EAB 2014 - Energy Performance Certification 2014

Project goal

RMA generates Energy Performance Certifiates ("Energieausweise") for new and existing buildings.

Little Foot Villach 02 - the ecological footprint of pupils


The goal of the project is to teach pupils of the 3rd and 4th form (primary school) in Villach the ecological footprint, thus preparing for future challenges like energy efficiency, resource management, biodiversity, climate and environemt protection, etc. The children should be encouraged to a suistainable consumption and a gentle handling with nature. Furthermore the project should stimulate the pupils to communicate their knowledge and ideas to their surroundings.


Akku 4 Future - 2nd life

Logo Akku4Future

Goals of the project are:

1. In the part "recycling - refreshing - 2nd life of old storage batteries": To give a overview about current methods and technologies in recycling, refreshing and 2nd life of old storge batteries and to issue a roughly estimation of the amounts.

2. In the part "battery diagnostics": To give a overview about the amount of battery diagnostic devices for litihium storage batteries available on the european market.

small projects 2014

The goal is the work on diverse short projects, like consultations for companies in energy efficieny, ecology, the use of renewable energy and the implementation of research projects. Furthermore to support tourist companies to get the austrian eco label, to work out waste-economy-concepts for companies, to prepare LCAs for products, to aid clients in the "klimaaktiv" declaration, ...

The small projects of 2014:

klimaaktiv regional partner for Carinthia 2014


The goal is to promote the "klimaaktiv building standard" in Carinthia. Furthermore the RMA GmbH implements consultings and plausibility checks based on the "klimaaktiv building standard".

The program "construction and renovation" is part of the climate protection campaign "klimaaktiv", initiated by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW).

Akku4Future - Dissemination

Logo Akku4Future

The goal of the project is to analyse the environmental impacts of traffic, to develop strategies to strengthen regional economy in the field of e-mobility and to initiate additional cross-border projects.

Nabaupool 2013

Ziel ist es, ein Forum für Forschung und Innovation im Bereich des nachhaltigen Bauens für die Bauwirtschaft Kärntens darzustellen. Es gilt eine Brückenfunktion zwischen angewandter Forschung und Klein- und Mittelbetrieben zu bilden. Es werden aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse den Poolmitgliedern zur Verfügung gestellt und ein Gedankenaustausch gepflegt. Dadurch wird die Möglichkeit zu einem gezielten Wissensaustausch des neuen zukunftsorientierten Themas „Nachhaltiges Bauen“ geschaffen.

GROSZ - Grundlagen und Optimierungspotenziale einer bewussten und nachhaltigen Speisenzubereitung in Großküchen

Ziel ist es, Grundlagen für die Erstellung des Arbeitspapiers „Speisenzubereitung, -verteilung und Lebensmittel-Abfallvermeidung in Gesundheits-, Sozial- und Schuleinrichtungen der Stadt Wien“ durch die Zusammenfassung von Primärdaten, die in den Studien BIOFAIR, SUKI, UMBESA und KomKon erhoben wurden, zusammenzufassen.

Akku4Future - E-Mobility Map

The goal of the project ist to find players and initiatives of e-mobility in Carinthia. Theses inquiries are illustrated by an e-mobility map.

klima:aktiv regional partner for Carinthia 2013


Project goal

The goal is to provide information of the klima:aktiv building standard in Carinthia, furthermore plausibility checks are performed.