Akku 4 Future - 2nd life

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Akku4Future - 2nd life: Diagnostics - recycling - refreshing - 2nd Life of old storage batteries
Akku4Future - 2nd life
Ressourcen Management Agentur (RMA)
Cahrinthia University of applied sciences

Goals of the project are:

1. In the part "recycling - refreshing - 2nd life of old storage batteries": To give a overview about current methods and technologies in recycling, refreshing and 2nd life of old storge batteries and to issue a roughly estimation of the amounts.

2. In the part "battery diagnostics": To give a overview about the amount of battery diagnostic devices for litihium storage batteries available on the european market.

The project was employed as part of the "Interreg IV research project Akku4future" by the Cahrinthia University of applied sciences.