Energie- und Ressourcenmanagement


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The goal is to identify relevant points of intersection during the planing and construction of energy efficient and ecological buildings and to raise experts, achitets and craftmen awareness for this topic.

NETwerk II

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The goal of the project ist the discussion and dissemination of the results of projekt NETwerk I. An information folder has been created and delivered. The classification of points of intersections and possible solutions to reduce intersection points have been discussed during Interviews with experts. Furthermore a search after appropriate criterias in national an international bulding declaration systems has been implemented.

small projects 2015

The goal is the work on diverse short projects, like consultations for companies in energy efficieny, ecology, the use of renewable energy and the implementation of research projects. Furthermore to support tourist companies to get the austrian eco label, to work out waste-economy-concepts for companies, to prepare LCAs for products, to aid clients in the "klimaaktiv" declaration, ...

The small projects of 2015:

Die RMA beim ersten Nationalen Ressourcenforum in Salzburg


In seiner Keynote am Vorabend der Konferenz analysierte Mathis Wackernagel, der Präsident des Global Footprint Networks, den weltweiten Verbrauch an Ressourcen auf globaler und nationaler Ebene. Da immer mehr Länder mehr Rohstoffe verbrauchen als auf ihrem Staatsgebiet nachwachsen, leben inzwischen 71 % der Weltbevölkerung auf Kredit. Wackernagel plädierte, dass ein frühzeitiges Monitoring des Ressourcenverbrauchs sowohl auf lokaler wie auch auf globaler Ebene langfristig Vorteile bringt.

VORB – Support of the BMLFUW in the standards committee with the creation of a concept for the "ÖNORM - verwertungsorientierter Rückbau"

The goal of the project is to support the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water (BMLFUW) in the standards committee by developing the standard "ÖNORM - verwertungsorientierter Rückbau" (Removal with the focus on recycling).

SUSCON – Planing of an internal self-improvement with the topic sustainable consumption

The goal of the project is to edit the state of knowledge on the topic sustainable consumption, thus creating a basis for product development.

NAKRA-MB – Analysis of material flows as basis for sustainable optimization of the input of ressources in the health care system - sustainable hospital

The goal of the project is to check the situation of the refuse-management in the hospital of Mistelbach-Gänserndorf by an input-output-analysis. Thus the refuse-management should be optimized by specific measures.

NANUBA - Creation of information-materials for the promotion of sustainable use of construction waste in Lower Austria

The goal of the project is the creation of information-materials for Lower Austria with the topic sustainable use of construction waste. The constuction waste guideline of Styria served as template.

INUBA - Information and sensitization of some communities in Lower Austria about sustainable use of construction waste in the rural area

The goal of the project is to inform communties of Lower Austria about their responsibility in the dealing with construction waste. Furthermore they should be made aware of the potentialities of the sustainable use of construction waste.

RAABA - General conditions for the setup and initiation of a regional reuse-network for building materials as a contribution to resource-saving.

The goal of the project is to create a concept for the setup of a reuse-network for the building industry in Austria and Hungary. Furthermore the practicality of the network should be tested and the regional implementation in both countries should be initiated. Therefor technical, economical, logistical and juridical conditions and barriers have to be identified and eventually eliminated. The Initiation of the reuse-network for building materials should also contribute to the creation of "Green Jobs".