Energie- und Ressourcenmanagement

FCKW Review – Review of the state-of–the-art of knowledge in disposal of the CFC stock

FCKW Review.

Project goal

Goal of the project is the evaluation of the developed research results. For that purpose experts are invited to discuss the sustainable recovery and disposal of substances of an ozone depletion potential, still in use.


Nabaupool Kärnten - Regional Partner Pool towards the Implementation of “Sustainable Construction” in Carinthia


Project goal

The goal is to build a bridge between applied research and the small and medium-sized enterprises. Latest research results are made available to the members of the pool and the exchange of ideas is enabled. Thereby the potential of specific knowledge exchange on the new topic „sustainable construction” is established.



ABASG III - Cu – Contribution of the Waste Management to the Copper Metabolism of Austria

Project goal

The goal of the project „Contribution of the Waste Management to the Copper Metabolism of Austria“ is to identify the quantitatively most relevant copper-containing goods that circulate in the Austrian economy as well as to define their mass flows and stocks in production, supply and consumption. Additionally, the waste generation that occurs during raw material extraction, production and consumption is roughly estimated.

TOKAR - Impact of production forms, regionalism and seasonality of the purchased ingredients on the CO2 emissions of canteen kitchens

Projekt ToKar tomaten

Project goal

The goal of this project is to demonstrate the influence of agricultural production, origin and seasonality on the CO2-emissions of canteen kitchens at the examples of Austrian and Italian tomatoes, lettuce, carrots and onions, and thus to lay the foundations for supporting canteen kitchens on their way towards sustainable production.

NAKRA – Sustainable Waste Management in Hospitals

Project goal

The goal of the project NAKRA is to create the base needed for the analysis and evaluation of the waste situation in the Slovak and Austrian hospitals that participate in the project. Based on this, specific implementation measures are initiated that will enable the optimisation of the waste management, the reduction of the waste amounts or of the resource consumption in the hospitals.

Another goal of the project is to initiate and enhance the contacts between Slovak and Austrian hospitals, to unite their energy towards the welfare of their patients and of the environment. The cooperation between the hospitals would also result in adjustment, respectively, further development of the regional standards of environmental and waste management in terms of the practical implementation of the EU requirements.

MÖVE – Options towards Reduction of the Quantities of Purchased Food in Canteens by Keeping High Quality of Supply


Project goal

The objective of the project MÖVE addresses the optimisation of food ordering at the Hietzing Hospital (KHR) towards reducing the swill amounts. This is to be achieved by raising the awareness of a sensible food management towards optimal resource utilisation within communal feeding. For this, options are surveyed of reducing the amount of purchased food without affecting the quality of supply or the established quality standards. In addition, a sensible food handling will result in reducing the amounts of swill.

R3C Studie - Renewable Energy Competence Centre Carinthia


Project goal

The aim of this project is to enable a Renewable Energy Competence Centre in the Province of Carinthia to take over the over-regional technology leadership in Austria in the field of renewable energy focused on solar energy and biomass energy production.


AMOR – Analysis of the Optimisation Options for Use and Recycling of Products towards Reduction of Waste Quantities


Project goal

The project aims to develop new methods and test, in order to save resources through targeted purchasing as well as waste-related measures in both qualitative and quantitative terms, and thereby to contribute to waste avoidance in the hospital Hietzing.

Energie- und Ressourcenmanagement

RMA Stadtentwicklung

Unter nachhaltigem Ressourcenmanagement versteht man einen gezielt geführten Ablauf von Aktivitäten, der den nachhaltigen Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen (Boden, Wasser, Luft, Tier- und Pflanzenwelt, Landschaftsgestalt, etc.) und den effizienten Einsatz von aus der Natur entnommenen Ressourcen anstrebt. Das Ziel eines nachhaltigen Ressourcenmanagements ist die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität innerhalb der Tragfähigkeitsgrenzen der Ökosysteme.