SUKI - Options for canteen kitchens towards reducing their CO2 emissions

Projekt SUKI Eissalat
SUKI – Options for canteen kitchens towards reducing their CO2 emissions (measures, framework and limits) – Sustainable Kitchen
2008 - 2011
Resource Management Agency (RMA)
Unterstützt durch: 
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth (BMWFJ)
Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW)
City of Vienna MA22 (Program ÖKOKAUF Vienna)
City of Vienna MA38
Government of the Province of Upper Austria
Government of the Province of Lower Austria

Project goal

The project identifies the CO2 emissions of canteen kitchens and analyses the direct and indirect possibilities for the latter to influence their CO2 emissions, in terms of both options and limits. Conscious selection of the meals to be prepared and of the ingredients enables a first step towards sustainable development and healthy nutri-tion, in parallel with contributing to the global CO2 emission reduction and to the regional organic farming.

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