Abfall & Ressourcen

AgWin - Waste water relevant silver loads in Vienna

Project goal

The goal of this project is to provide a silver balance for the City of Vienna, whereby a special attention is paid to those silver loads which flow into the sewerage.

ABASG II - Goods – „Goods Metabolism of Austria“.

Project goal

This project aims at identifying the materials of key relevance as to their mass presence in the national economics of Austria (except for air and water). For this purpose, their mass flows and stocks within production, supply and consumption are determined. Also, waste amounts generated within resource extraction, production and consumption are roughly estimated.

AWAST – Aid in the Management and European Comparison of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Methods for a Global and Sustainable Approach

Project goal

The AWAST project objective is to meet this need by providing end-users and stakeholders with a flexible decision support tool that, in a comprehensive approach, takes into account technical, energetic and economic aspects, and also the social and environmental issues. 

NABKA –Sustainable waste prevention in Viennese Hospitals and nursing homes

Project goal

The goal of the project is to deliver the basis for an optimisation of the waste management at hospitals. Upon this, specific waste prevention measures are developed for three Viennese hospitals, and first practical steps towards implementation are initiated.


AMOR – Analysis of the Optimisation Options for Use and Recycling of Products towards Reduction of Waste Quantities


Project goal

The project aims to develop new methods and test, in order to save resources through targeted purchasing as well as waste-related measures in both qualitative and quantitative terms, and thereby to contribute to waste avoidance in the hospital Hietzing.

Material-, Stoff- und Energiebilanzen


Umweltschutz kann nicht auf eingegrenzte Bereiche beschränkt werden, sondern er muss umfassend und differenziert erfolgen. Die Methode der Stoffflussanalyse erlaubt eine differenzierte, quantitative Erfassung, Bewertung und Interpretation von Stoffhaushaltssystemen. Dabei wird neben einzelnen Gütern auch die Ebene von chemischen Elementen und deren Verbindungen (Stoffe) betrachtet.

Energie- und Ressourcenmanagement

RMA Stadtentwicklung

Unter nachhaltigem Ressourcenmanagement versteht man einen gezielt geführten Ablauf von Aktivitäten, der den nachhaltigen Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen (Boden, Wasser, Luft, Tier- und Pflanzenwelt, Landschaftsgestalt, etc.) und den effizienten Einsatz von aus der Natur entnommenen Ressourcen anstrebt. Das Ziel eines nachhaltigen Ressourcenmanagements ist die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität innerhalb der Tragfähigkeitsgrenzen der Ökosysteme.