AWAST – Aid in the Management and European Comparison of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Methods for a Global and Sustainable Approach

AWAST – Aid in the Management and European Comparison of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Methods for a Global and Sustainable Approach. Forschungsprojekt im 5. Rahmenprogramm der EU
2001 - 2003
Ressourcen Management Agentur (RMA)
Unterstützt durch: 
Europäische Kommission
5. EU-Rahmenprogramm für Forschung, technologische Entwicklung und Demonstration (1999-2002)
4. Thematisches Programm „Energie, Umwelt und nachhaltige Entwicklung
Die Stadt von morgen und das kulturelle Erbe. (BRGM, Frankreich)

Project goal

The AWAST project objective is to meet this need by providing end-users and stakeholders with a flexible decision support tool that, in a comprehensive approach, takes into account technical, energetic and economic aspects, and also the social and environmental issues. 



Municipal solid waste (MSW) management is a major problem for all communities of the EU. The different actors involved (policymakers, industry, municipalities) are facing a lack of methodology and software for defining, evaluating, optimising or adapting their waste treatment decisions and for meeting the progress targets set at the EU level.

The objectives for this decision support tool are: 

  • Flexibility
  • Adaptability to local context
  • Simulation
  • Process analysis as background
  • Application of the experience of Central and Western EU countries
  • Consideration of energetic and economic aspects within the whole waste management system.
The aim of this decision support tool is to enable cities and industrial operators involved in city waste management, possibly throughout the European Community, to:
  • evaluate present situation in terms of waste processing efficiency, cost, energetic balance, residual streams, etc.
  • investigate alternative MSW management paths,
  • accompany, control and reorient the choices,
  • define and plan sustainable degrees of progress, and
  • improve the concept implementation of an integrated municipal solid waste management.