
wohngesund (NABAU II)

Cover Fibel Nabau 2012

Project goal

The goal is the revision of the "naubau Fibel" published in 2006. The Fibel from 2006 has been updated and new parts, like the "klima:aktiv Gebäudestandard" have been added. In addition an extensive picture research has been carried out. Many pictures of best practice projects have been provided by Carinthian building experts. The Layout has been made by "Prosign Klaus Hadler".




wohngesund 2012 Cover

Project goal

The goal is to create a convenient brochure for everyone who wants to build a new house or rennovate his old house or flat. The brochure informs you about contaminates in interior air and provides recommendations about buying and using of building products, furnishing and detergents.


FCKW UBA-09 - disposal of (H) CFC-containing insulation materials


Project goal

The goal of the project is an analysis of the current situation of  the disposal of (H) CFC-containing insulation materials in Germany. Based on this analysis an information brochure "Ozone-depleting substances in insulation materials and the reduction of emissions by correct disposal" will be developed.


Urban Mining Folder - Concept and a preparation of a folder on the issue of „Urban Mining“


Project goal

The project provides a profound 16-page information folder on the issue of „Urban Mining“, in order to promote the subject of „Urban Mining“ – first to be promoted in Austrian Schools and showmines.


Informationsbroschüren & Wissensdrehscheibe


Eine enge Verzahnung zwischen Wissenschaft und Anwenderpraxis bringt Vorteile für beide Seiten. Die Wissenschaft erhält Hinweise zu aktuellen Problemen und damit eine Grundlage für praxisorientierte Forschung. Die Anwender wiederum, egal ob private Haushalte, Unternehmen oder öffentliche Akteure, können an den neuesten Erkenntnissen der Wissenschaften teilhaben.