Bauen & Wohnen

RAABA - General conditions for the setup and initiation of a regional reuse-network for building materials as a contribution to resource-saving.

The goal of the project is to create a concept for the setup of a reuse-network for the building industry in Austria and Hungary. Furthermore the practicality of the network should be tested and the regional implementation in both countries should be initiated. Therefor technical, economical, logistical and juridical conditions and barriers have to be identified and eventually eliminated. The Initiation of the reuse-network for building materials should also contribute to the creation of "Green Jobs".

EAB 2013 - Energy Performance Certification 2013

Project goal

RMA generates Energy Performance Certifiates for new buildings and building retrofits.

Alpin - ECO – Companies and Building

The goal of the project ist to initialise a transborder improvement of the quality of sustainable building and constructing - thus reinforcing the competitiveness of small and medium firms. By the sensitisation of the customers in the field of building-ecology, energy, healthfully and economically priced living the firms should be encouraged to improve their supply of sustainalbe buildings and products. This interregional and cooperative project promotes also the deregulation and liberalisation of the building sector.

EAB 2012 - Energy Performance Certification 2012

Project goal

RMA generated Energy Performance Certifiates for new buildings and building retrofits.


23 Energy Performance Certifiates for one family houses and 13 Energy Performance Certifiates for residential and non-residential buildings were made.

EPD Gremium - An Austrian council for environmental product declaration for building materials

The goal and purpose of the EPD council is the creation of basic documents for an Austrian authority, who awards environmental product declarations for building materials.

FCKW UBA-D Fakten - (H)-CFCs in insulating materials in the building industry in Germany

FCKW Review.

The goal of the project ist to determine the amount of insulating materials in Germany containing (H)-CFC and to quantify their capacity of (H)-CFC. Thus the potential emission till 2010 will be esstimated.

klima:aktiv regional partner for Carinthia 2013


Project goal

The goal is to provide information of the klima:aktiv building standard in Carinthia, furthermore plausibility checks are performed.

klima:aktiv regional partner for Carinthia 2012


Project goal

The goal is to provide information of the klima:aktiv building standard in Carinthia, furthermore plausibility checks are performed.

ALC NÖ – After Life Communication Lower Austria

The goal of the project ist organize together with the Office of the State Government of Lower Austria, The Federal Economic Chamber of Lower Austria (Wirtschaftskammer NÖ) and the Construction.Energy.Environment Cluster of Lower Austria (Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster NÖ) an information event with the topic "resources efficiency in the building industry - planing and realising the proper treatment of construction waste".

ADOSA – The occurance of insulating material in the housing construction of Upper Austria

The goal of the project ist to determine the amount, the composition and the renaturation capability of insulating material used in the housing construction of Upper Austria. Thus the amount of waste of insulating material can be estimated for now and the future.