Detailed description of important resource and waste flows for inclusion in the system model (Deliverable D2-1)

TitleDetailed description of important resource and waste flows for inclusion in the system model (Deliverable D2-1)
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsDaxbeck H.; Brandt B.; Buschmann H.; Stanic L.; Neumayer S.
Tertiary Authorsof life-cycle thinking for the overall European Commission. 6<sup>th</sup> Framework Programme. SSP 5A T. U. 3 4:; mapping of the environmental issues of waste generation and management
Series TitleOverall mapping of physical flows and stocks of resources to forecast waste quantities in Europe and identify life-cycle environmental stakes of waste prevention and recycling. Project FORWAST
Document NumberDeliverable D2-1
InstitutionRessourcen Management Agentur (RMA)
KeywordsAbfall, FORWAST, MFA, Ressource, Stoffflussanalyse, Systemdefinition