VEMED - Bilanz - Identification of PVC-containing medical articles and drawing of the corresponding PVC balances

VEMED - Bilanz - Identification of PVC-containing medical articles and drawing of the corresponding PVC balances. Prevention of health risk by suggesting the use of selected PVC-free articles in medical application
VEMED - Bilanz
2004 - 2005
Ressourcen Management Agentur (RMA)
Unterstützt durch: 
City of Vienna, INITIATIVE „Waste Prevention Vienna“, Magistrate Department of Vienna 48 (MA 48) – Waste Management

Project goal

The project goal is to draw the PVC balances for the hospitals of the Viennese Hospital Association (KAV). This way, the most relevant PVC-containing invasive medical articles can be identified, and the basics can be developed for an efficient phasing-out of medical PVC-containing articles.