
VERA – Evaluation of the efficient delivery of diet meals

VERA .jpg

Project goal

Analyses of the proportions of delivered diet meals in actuality consumed by the patients. This way, the base is founded towards increased efficiency of dietary nutri-tion and towards improving its respective framework.



Möve II - Quality monitoring of the recommended measures towards reduction of the purchased food ingredients amounts without affecting the service quality

Project goal

Analyses the implementation of the measures recommended in the previous project MÖVE, by investigating the currently resulting swill amounts. To this effect, an audit was performed, with the outcome assessed, at the Hietzing Hospital. The conclusions address the necessary need for action in terms of the measures suggested in the foregoing project MÖVE.


KomKon – The Four Dimensions of Healthy Nutrition (Health, Economy, Ecology, Social Effects)

Project goal

Goal of the project is to highlight the subject Nutrition by its four crucial dimensions Health, Social Effects, Ecology and Economy as well as at outlining the interrelations that exist among them. The final report addresses, in a first place, the experts, but can be also enjoyed by a wider circle of interested audience. The overall project goal is the elaboration of a Communication Concept on Nutrition, which, supported by targeted PR work, will enable a contribution to the healthcare prevention for both patients and employees.

TOKAR - Impact of production forms, regionalism and seasonality of the purchased ingredients on the CO2 emissions of canteen kitchens

Projekt ToKar tomaten

Project goal

The goal of this project is to demonstrate the influence of agricultural production, origin and seasonality on the CO2-emissions of canteen kitchens at the examples of Austrian and Italian tomatoes, lettuce, carrots and onions, and thus to lay the foundations for supporting canteen kitchens on their way towards sustainable production.

MÖVE – Options towards Reduction of the Quantities of Purchased Food in Canteens by Keeping High Quality of Supply


Project goal

The objective of the project MÖVE addresses the optimisation of food ordering at the Hietzing Hospital (KHR) towards reducing the swill amounts. This is to be achieved by raising the awareness of a sensible food management towards optimal resource utilisation within communal feeding. For this, options are surveyed of reducing the amount of purchased food without affecting the quality of supply or the established quality standards. In addition, a sensible food handling will result in reducing the amounts of swill.

BIOFAIR II – Current State and Potentials‘ Analysis of Canteens in the City of Vienna towards Increasing the Portion of Organic Food

Project goal

The project goal is to depict the Current State in six selected canteens in the City of Vienna, accompanied by a potential analysis, so to support these canteens at their increased employing fresh organic products.

BIOTRANS – Support for Canteens in the City of Vienna towards an increased employment of organic food

Project goal

The goal of the BIOTRANS project is to support canteens in the City of Vienna at replacing convenience products by on-spot prepared meals of organic fresh products. This way, the share of organic products employed in canteens should increase.



Der interdisziplinäre Ansatz der Ernährungsökologie zielt darauf ab, alle wesentlichen Bereiche des Ernährungssystems zu betrachten und nach den Gesichtspunkten Gesundheit, Umwelt, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft zu optimieren. Dazu zählen unter anderem landwirtschaftliche Produktion, industrielle und gewerbliche Verarbeitung, Transport, Lagerung, Handel, Zubereitung, Verzehr und Entsorgung.