Stadt & Region

VIsion 2050 - Initiation

The Project goal was the coordination of the Partners of the consortium with the aim to hand in a research request by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) in time. The concerned funding programme is called "Smart Energy Demo - FIT for SET" and is supported by the climate and energy fond. The content of the request is the development of a Smart City Vision 2050, a Roadmap for 2020 and an Action Plan for 2012-2015 for the city of Villach.

3E - Expert System for an energetic urban renewal **

Erneuerbare Energien

Project goal

The goal is to quantify the potential of urban areas for renewable energy production and to explore measures for the specific, useful expansion of renewable energy production in the urban spaces. The RMA supports with the know-how from the research results and the Fachschule Nordhausen by developing methods.

City & Region

RMA Stadtentwicklung

Urban and regional agglomerations are becoming increasingly complex and require specific technological, organisational and spatial solutions concerning material and energy flows.

The RMA develops and implements urban and regional development concepts based on holistic systems analysis.

 Key areas

  • Urban Future
  • Smart City
  • Ecological Footprint
  • Energy- & Resource Management
  • Material-, Substance- & Energy Balance


Ecocity – Urban Development towards Appropriate Structures for Sustainable Transport


Project goal

Goal of the project is the development of model-to-follow urban areas towards sustainable urban development; Key focus: development of an environmentally compatible transportation system.

TransFED - Analysis of Action Needs and Design for the Structure of a Transfer Centre „Kärnten der Zukunft„

Project goal

Goal of the project is to analyse the action need, and to prepare a concept for the establishment and the structure of a “Carinthia Transfer Centre for Sustainability”. The target group of this centre are the enterprises (the majority of them being SMEs), who are members of the networks of the Development Agency Carinthia, namely the networks “Wood”, “Plastics”, “Energy and Environment” as well as the “Carinthia Worth to Live in” (“Lebensland Kärnten”) network being currently established.


Footprint – The ecological footprint of the city Vienna

Project goal
The goal of this project is to estimate and characterise the Ecological Footprint of the City of Vienna. The “theoretical” area describing the resource consumption of the city is that area required to satisfy and maintain the Viennese population’s social and economic standard of living.

ÖKOPOLIS – Urban Resource Management

Project goal

The objective was to survey and assess diffuse metal emissions and develop a pollutant management based on ecologically sustainable development. By means of the methodology of Material Flow Analysis, the employment of building materials containing zinc, copper, lead and aluminium and diffuse emissions of the most important applications have been accounted in a representative housing settlement. The most important application areas are building coverings, sanitary installations, outside facilities (e.g. fences) and supply networks.

Material-, Stoff- und Energiebilanzen


Umweltschutz kann nicht auf eingegrenzte Bereiche beschränkt werden, sondern er muss umfassend und differenziert erfolgen. Die Methode der Stoffflussanalyse erlaubt eine differenzierte, quantitative Erfassung, Bewertung und Interpretation von Stoffhaushaltssystemen. Dabei wird neben einzelnen Gütern auch die Ebene von chemischen Elementen und deren Verbindungen (Stoffe) betrachtet.

Energie- und Ressourcenmanagement

RMA Stadtentwicklung

Unter nachhaltigem Ressourcenmanagement versteht man einen gezielt geführten Ablauf von Aktivitäten, der den nachhaltigen Schutz natürlicher Ressourcen (Boden, Wasser, Luft, Tier- und Pflanzenwelt, Landschaftsgestalt, etc.) und den effizienten Einsatz von aus der Natur entnommenen Ressourcen anstrebt. Das Ziel eines nachhaltigen Ressourcenmanagements ist die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität innerhalb der Tragfähigkeitsgrenzen der Ökosysteme.

Ökologischer Fußabdruck


Der ökologische Fußabdruck ist ein Indikator für die Umweltperformance einer Region, einer Stadt oder eines Produktes. Er gibt an, welcher Flächenverbrauch für unser handeln notwendig ist. In der Berechnung werden die Flächen zur Produktion von Energieträgern, Nahrung und anderen Gütern, sowie auch Flächen zur Deponierung von Abfällen und zum Abbau von Emissionen (z.B. Wälder, um das CO2 zu binden) berücksichtigt.